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Not Smoking

  • Secrets To Keeping Your Car Looking Like New For 10 YearsMost personal finance experts would agree that keeping your vehicle for up to 10 years is a good economical decision. The economics of keeping a vehicle that long are overwhelmingly convincing. So why is it so rare to find someone who owns the same…
  • Top 10 Car Drawing Books For Beginner Artists 1. How to Draw Cars Like a Pro, 2nd Edition In this long-awaited follow-up to the best-selling first edition of How to Draw Cars Like a Pro, renamed car designer Thom Taylor goes back to the drawing board to update his classic with all-new…
  • Things To Consider When Buying A Business If you're planning to start a business, it's a good idea to start from scratch. You build your own concept, determine what items or services to offer, buy your own equipment, find yourself a good location and do the other things that will…
  • How Helpful Custom Web Development Solutions May Be for Specific Business Needs In the competitive world we live in today, mostly all companies have specific business needs and / or requirements. These requirements could be either huge in nature effecting long term business goals while other requirements could be minor and…
  • Using NodeJS and JSON in Mobile App Development An Introduction to JSON and NodeJS For those who are new to application development, older technologies such as PHP and SQL were used to create web based applications based on databases and these were confirmed by a lack of scalability, and…